Chairman's Quote

Shivsamarth was established on August 15 , 2006. The organization was transformed into The Shivsamarth Shivsamarth Multistate Multistate Co-op. Credit Society Society in 2012. The organization strives to provide 365 days and 12 hours service service keeping in view the goal of social development along with overall progress as well as the motivation of veterans in the field of co-operation and economy. The Shivsamarth Parivar created the work of working hand in hand with the lower strata of the society, giving equal role to all sections sections of the society. To this end, I have made full use of my real life and 23 years of experience in the Central Government Office of the Provident Fund as well as my experience in the legal profession, working with other co-operative experts and serving as a legal advisor advisor in the organization. The organization is run on a completely professional and transparent basis. Come on Area. Maximum interest is paid to the depositors by keeping the minimum margin. Also, the institution is profitable from its inception by avoiding unrealistic expenses.

He tried to inculcate the habit of saving for all and raised successful business people out of it. Especially in Mumbai, when Marathi business people felt the lack of capital, his organization cooperated with the business people to the best of their ability. This earned him credibility in the society.

Many took note of this and wished the organization well. Late Nilkanth Khadilkar (Bhau), the editor of Daily Navakaal, our inspiration,wrote a headline in the daily Navakaal and Sayandainik Sandhyakaal and coroneted the organization and the social work of the organization at the court of Saraswati.

In the city of Mumbai, the organization gained a reputation as an organization that deals with the rights of small and big businessmen, Mathadi Mathadi workers. Today, the organization has flagged off its branch expansion in Maharashtra and Karnataka.

"The strength of the movement is in what it does. But God must be there."

According to this motto, it has taken the society to a never-endingg movement. Attempts were made for the upliftment of the society along with financial services through various activities of the organization to maintain the social commitment. The family yearns to run for society in the event of any natural disaster. It should continue to grow. For this, the expectation is that all our love and blessings will always be with Shivsamartha parivar.

Jay Hind ....!, Jay Maharashtra Maharashtra ....! Jay Sahakar Sahakar ....!